Monday, March 23, 2009

Latest news

So, I've been busy with putting together a magazine and really neglectful at keeping up the blog. Here are some pics from the last three months.

Oh, I almost forgot! Guess what I'm adding to my already full plate? Baby #4.

Any wagers on the chances we'll actually get a boy this time?


Heather said...

Congrats on the baby! I'll send my boy vibes your way...

The Kyles said...

I think it's in the cards. we have this guy in our ward that supposedly has a 100% prediction rate on the sex of a baby so if you want to pay him a visit.... Thanks for commenting on the family blog by the way. It's nice to know someone looked at it. I was starting to want to give up on it.

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Congrats on baby #4 on the way!! WOW! I hope you get a boy cuz he would be so spoiled with all those ladies around him. Is that your new kitchen in the picture with Ava on the countertop?? It looks AMAZING! Way to go. I love it. Take care good luck with your pregnancy.

Haley said...

Are you lying? BTW, I really enjoy reading Wasatch Woman, it makes me miss Utah.