Thursday, May 1, 2008

You've GOT to be kidding me!

Ugh. There is nothing worse than an adult who talks down to kids. My kids may be different from most in that, they can detect a patronizer from a mile away. You know what I'm talking about: people who use the high, sing-songy voice and end each sentence in a lilt (almost like they are asking a question). "Okay, kids!! Now we're going to color this picture of a tin can! Won't that be fun?"
Fortunately, Ava has a fabulous Sunbeam teacher who is both kind and real with her...I think Ava was just tired of posing for pictures when this one was taken. This is the classic Ava look.


The Kyles said...

even when she's tired and bored. she's still adorable. congrats again on the job. you rock!

Heather said...

Ava is fun to be with in primary. Her faces are hilarious!