About a month ago, I got an email from the editor of Wasatch Woman Magazine (the magazine where I have a column, called Momtrepreneur). She wanted to meet with me and wouldn't say why.
We met for tea and she proceeded to tell me about an experience that she had in the temple while debating what to do about leaving her position at the magazine. She told me that she felt like it was time to leave, and she needed to spend time with her daughter (who is 4) before she goes off to kindergarten. She and I have not known each other very long, in fact, we had only met twice before this happened.
In the temple, my name came to her as she was asking who would replace her. She then received a "download" of all my past experiences and qualifying personality traits that would make me perfect for the job. She told me that she was made to understand that I would be "scrappy enough" and that I would be able to understand and push the magazine where it needed to be.
When she told me all of this, I was taken aback. I had to admit to her that I had been questioning my life and what I was doing with my career for the past few weeks. I had been contemplating what to do with myself and asking my Heavenly Father for guidance and direction. In fact (and I never do this) I had just fasted for life direction the same weekend that she got the guidance for who to hand over the magazine to.
Over the next three weeks, I went through two interviews and an offer that was exactly what I had asked for...I wanted to have autonomy, the freedom to work from home when I wanted, and all of that was given to me - plus, the monetary requests, of course.
A full month after my friend, the former editor, told me I would be the next editor, I started. Since then, I have learned a lot, made a lot of changes, and I'm still learning and changing.
This experience taught me that we are not really in charge of our lives. It humbled me and it made me feel great. I realized that my Heavenly Father really
me and loves me enough to give me something I'm totally ready for. This last year has all been preparation for this current chapter in my life. Who knows what will be next.
So, if you don't believe in God, I'm telling you right now. He is real. He knows you. He knows what you need. He will bring what you need into your life if you let Him.
This true story is a testament to that. It is NOTHING short of a miracle.